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Understanding Hormone Imbalances

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. When hormone levels dip too low or become too high, you may experience potentially serious symptoms that negatively impact your quality of life.

Common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Sleep disruptions and persistent fatigue
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability, or mood swings
  • Muscle loss and decreased strength
  • Low libido and sexual dysfunction

What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormone levels decline naturally with age, but many lifestyle factors can also trigger imbalances earlier in life:

  • Chronic stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Obesity
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Excessive alcohol intake

Fortunately, optimizing your hormone levels is possible at any age. You just need to partner with a knowledgeable physician.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Detecting a hormone deficiency requires specialized blood and saliva tests that accurately measure your hormone levels.

The optimal reference ranges for key hormones are:

Hormone Optimal Lab Range
Estrogen 100-400 pg/mL
Progesterone 1-28 ng/mL
Testosterone 350-890 ng/dL (women) 270-1070 ng/dL (men)
DHEA 190-340 mcg/dL (women) 250-490 mcg/dL (men)

Compare your results to these ideal ranges - not just the standard lab ranges which are often too broad.

Based on your test results and symptom evaluation, your physician can determine which hormones you may be lacking and design an individualized treatment plan.

Our Services

The Benefits of Hormone Replacement

Restoring your hormones to optimal levels provides immense benefits:

  • Increased energy and mental clarity
  • Improved mood and emotional stability
  • Healthier body composition and strength
  • Better sleep quality and immunity
  • Enhanced libido and sexual satisfaction
  • Slowed aging and disease prevention
  • Higher motivation, productivity, and enjoyment of life

With customized hormone replacement therapy from an age management specialist, you can unlock your full health potential and thrive at any age.

Take control of your health; get tested today.

Hormone Therapies at Balance Health Clinic

At Balance Health Clinic, we offer advanced hormone optimization protocols utilizing bioidentical hormones - which are molecularly identical to the hormones your body produces naturally.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is extremely safe and effective when properly dosed and monitored by an experienced age management physician.

We provide hormone therapies including:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Symptoms of Low Testosterone:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain, especially belly fat
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Depression, irritability and mood swings
  • Weak bones and risk of fracture
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced sex drive and satisfaction

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy:

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Reduced body fat
  • Sharper mental focus and clarity
  • Better erectile function
  • Higher libido and sexual pleasure
  • More energy, motivation and drive
  • Improved moods and emotional stability
  • Healthier heart and blood vessels
  • Stronger bones

We offer testosterone injections, gels, pellets and other proven delivery methods to suit your needs.

Estrogen and Progesterone Therapy

Declining estrogen and progesterone levels during menopause and andropause can profoundly impact quality of life. We provide bioidentical estrogen and progesterone to relieve troublesome symptoms like:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness and discomfort
  • Anxiety, irritability and mood swings
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of interest in sex

Balancing these vital hormones restores comfort, emotional balance, restful sleep and an enjoyable sex life.

DHEA Replacement

DHEA is the most abundant hormone in the body that gives rise to other critical hormones. A DHEA deficiency can exacerbate the unwanted effects of testosterone and estrogen decline.

We offer oral bioidentical DHEA to help:

  • Boost energy and mental sharpness
  • Improve weight management
  • Strengthen bones
  • Support heart health
  • Regulate inflammation
  • Enhance mood and resilience to stress

Thyroid Hormone Optimization

The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism. Low thyroid function causes symptoms like:

  • Fatigue despite adequate sleep
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Muscle aches and weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Impaired memory and concentration

We identify and properly treat underactive thyroid using bioidentical hormones to relieve troublesome symptoms.

We also provide cutting-edge therapies including:

  • Growth hormone
  • Oxytocin
  • Pregnenolone
  • Melatonin
  • Cortisol modulation

Our goal is to help you achieve a completely optimized hormonal balance for peak mental and physical performance.

Convenient and Comfortable Treatments

Hormone pellets inserted under the skin maintain consistent hormone levels over the long term. Testosterone pellets for men can sustain therapeutic testosterone levels for about five months on average. Continuous-release estrogen and testosterone pellets may be ideal for women seeking stable hormone levels without daily or weekly dosing.

Balance Health Clinic also offers a variety of creams, oral capsules and injectables so you can choose the delivery method that suits your needs and preferences.

We make hormone replacement as seamless and comfortable as possible by providing:

  • Self-administered treatments you can conveniently continue at home
  • Virtually painless injections and pellets insertions
  • Comfortable clinic environment and caring staff

Importance of Proper Clinical Monitoring

The key to successful results with hormone replacement therapy is working with a physician experienced in treatment customization and oversight.

We closely track your progress through follow-up consultations and lab testing to ensure your hormone protocol keeps levels within optimal ranges. By monitoring key biomarkers and evaluating any side effects, we make timely dose adjustments tailored to your changing needs.

Visiting your age management doctor regularly enables us to enhance your results and give you the best opportunity for excellent health during hormone replacement.

Your Home for Hormone Therapy

Balance Health Clinic specializes in customized bioidentical hormone replacement and scientific age management therapies for women and men wanting to optimize wellness during the second half of life.

We begin by testing your blood and evaluating symptoms to identify any hormone deficiencies or excesses negatively impacting your health. Then we develop treatment plans using bioidentical hormones dosed specifically for your individual needs now and as they evolve.

Ongoing progress tracking with blood analysis, nutrient testing and genomic mapping enables us to fine-tune your protocol for peak performance over months and years. We adapt hormone doses, medications, nutrition plans and lifestyle changes in a painstaking collaborative process until you report feeling your greatest physically and mentally.

Your health plan is personally tailored the 1% of you that is uniquely your own genetics and biochemistry - not based on the 99% similarities you share with the general population.

We also provide:

  • Nutrient balancing with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to amplify hormone optimization
  • Genetic testing for risk analysis and medication personalization
  • Lifestyle coaching to help positive habits maximize hormone therapy gains
  • Aesthetic treatments using proven methods like Sculpsure body contouring

Balance Health Clinic was founded by Dr. Michael Johnson, a board-certified physician and national leader in advanced age management medicine. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Johnson is one of the most sought-after anti-aging and regenerative medicine experts in the country.

He leads a team of hand-selected providers including nurses, nutritionists and patient care experts - who all share his unwavering commitment to delivering tangible life improvements through precision hormone therapy and scientific wellness solutions.

Balance Health Clinic offers a warm, welcoming environment focused on your ultimate satisfaction. We look forward to meeting you and designing a treatment plan catered specifically to your personal health and wellness goals.

Restore your health; optimize your hormones today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are bioidentical hormones safe?

A: Yes - when properly dosed and monitored, bioidentical hormones are extremely safe and effective. At Balance Health Clinic, we customize treatment and perform regular testing and follow-ups to ensure optimal hormone balance.

Q: How long until I feel better on hormones?

A: Most patients report significant improvements in energy, sleep, mood and mental clarity within 4-6 weeks. Further enhancements in body composition, strength and stamina build over 3-6 months. Maximum benefits are typically achieved in 9-12 months.

Q: Will my medical insurance cover treatment costs?

A: Some components may be covere

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